1001 Fonts

Looking for free fonts on the Internet is a pretty tough job, because most resources you’ll find will also contain paid ones, and since I can’t say I ever bumped into a website full of free fonts, and nothing more, I guess that 1001 Fonts is the best site to start the series of short articles about free fonts available online with…
1001 Fonts
While 1001 Fonts offers free membership with some nice features, like custom font viewing and filtering settings, the ability to write font reviews and so on, the major problem with this site is what I consider to be excessive advertising, especially the use of popup windows and animated banners, but since it does its job well, let’s see what 1001 Fonts has to offer!

Obviously, there aren’t exactly 1001 fonts available on this site. To be honest, I have no idea how many are there, but you should know that we’re talking about resources made available under the following license terms: freeware, shareware, postcardware, demoware and charityware. Most of them are available at least as Windows and Macintosh TrueType, with some also being offered in a PostScript version, and only a few in PostScript versions for both Mac and Windows.

Downloading the fonts is as easy as 1-2-3, so I don’t know what else should be said here. Just a reminder – take a good look at the license type before using a font in a project of yours, that’s all, I guess. Other than that… good luck and a lot of inspiration!

Compatibility: as you noticed in the article, you can get Windows and Mac fonts, both TrueType and PostScript, while the simple design of the website shouldn’t get you in trouble at all, no matter if you’re using Opera, Internet Explorer 7/8, Safari, Firefox, or Maxthon

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