
Ever had a diary? I know that most boys think this is a girls’ thing, but I will confess I had a diary, and I still have it lying around somewhere. On the other hand, I never added pictures to it, just some random thoughts, here and there. Even more, the people who read it can easily fill a sports car… but let’s leave my diary aside and move to the photo diary I spotted for you today, shall we?
PhotoDiary is a fresh Web-based application (version 1.0 is the current one) that does exactly what its name says – allows you to keep a photo blog up and running. Its frontend is built using Flash, while the control panel used to manage your data has been developed in PHP.

Ok, but what’s so special about it? Unlike most similar pieces of code, who usually place comments “blog style,” below your pictures, PhotoDiary uses yellow sticky notes to place your users’ comments right on the pictures! I don’t know if this is that brilliant, since sometimes pictures are buried by a bunch of yellow sticky notes, but at least this is something a bit different… and it doesn’t look that bad, either! 😉

The requirements list includes MySQL, PHP and GD Library support on the server, as well as a Flash-capable browser.

Compatibility: I tried the demo, and it worked like a charm in Opera, Flock, Firefox, Maxthon, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, so I guess that as long as you have Flash in a working condition, any modern browser should handle PhotoDiary

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