Today, we released initial version of About Me 3000 widget for WordPress. What is this all about ?
This widget shows general information about you.
Add your email and small description, and your gravatar will be shown next to the summary. You can also show icons (URLs) of your social network accounts.
Currently, the following social networks are supported:
* Facebook
* Friendfeed
* Delicious
* Technorati
* Twitter
You can even add your Feedburner ID, and the plugin will show the number of subscribers, next to a standard Feedburner image.
You can download it here. Obviously, it’s absolutely free!
Not sure why I don’t know the answer to this but… what is a facebook ID, twitter ID etc?
great Plugin. I needed smth like this. Thx for the work.
P.S One question if u dont mind. What plugin do u use to display the post author info at the end of the post?
Best Wishes
Is it possible to include an option not to display the email icon? I don’t want to receive spam emails, so I am using a contact form instead of giving away my email address.
And just one remark: most people are using the vanity URLs in Facebook, so the link to the Facebook profile page is not working. I suggest to ask for the link to the profile page (instead of asking for the profile ID).
1. Email is written by JS so it’s hard to grab it. There is no 100% guarantee but my experiences say it’s safe.
2. As for vanity URLs. We’ll implement this in next version.
Thank you.
Thank you.. This feature is implemented in theme itself. Are you interested in such plugin ?
Hi Csaba,
yeah it will be great to have such plugin. I’ve searched for this one but didn’t find. It will be great if exists such plugin.
Sorry me again. Im just testing your plugin and i have 2 things.
It will be great that the links opens in new window… a _blank 🙂
And second. I use a personal facebook url.. and not a profil ID. .. what should i do.. i cant get connect the plugin with my profil…
Some new Features that u maybe can add.
1. Users be able to resize or set the size of the gravatar coz its too big.
2. Add more than one “About me”, coz i wanna use with plugin to show the site authors and will be nice to show more then myself.
Hello Romeo,
Facebook URL + gravatar size options will be added to next version. As for more “About me”s I have to think about this if its possible or not. Anyway… I’ll let you now 😉
I found a small bug in your plugin.
You need to replace all calls of get_bloginfo(‘url’) with get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’).
When people have their WordPress installation in another location than their main blog url the service icon images will not be shown.
Hi Again,
Found another small bug on line 103 of aboutme3000.php.
In order for Safari to mark the checkboxes as checked you need to change checked to checked=”1″ as checked is not valid XHTML.
Really appreciate your hard work, thanks a lot for the Plugin.
Foind a couple of issues when installing it though.
first of all had a freaky strange line in the main .php file that outputed an image that did’t exist: in Line 55.
But also, shame that the about me text area does not allow HTML.
I appreciate your comments guys. Will try to fix everything in new version as well as try to add new features.
Twitter and feedburner graphics aren’t showing on my template? Is this a bug?
Ok, now the pictures are working, but they overlap. For example, the feedburner icon is overlapping the mail icon, so you cannot see it.
Jillian , please keep it on your site so I can make some tests. Thanx in advance.
Jillian, I know what’s the problem with your theme… there is a global style defined for “img” tag in your template with “padding:5px”.
This causes issues. I’ll fix that in new release.
Csaba, thanks for a great plugin!
Dave, thanks for the updates – I went in and edited the plugin and it’s working great now (I think!)
nice plugin but one question how can i change gavatar to my own picture? thx for reply 🙂
Currently only gravatars are supported. Obviously, if you’re bit familiar with PHP you can use your own picture.
But I strongly suggest you to go to and upload your picture there and get your own gravatar.
Works great, thank you
Great plugin, but I think a doppler link and a flickr link would be nice. 🙂
Thank you for including my suggestions!
I’m still having problems with the Facebook link. Even if I had the “Use Vanity URL” checked, the link still points me to
Hmmm, my mistake Tina, will fix that soon and publish update
how about html support for the text area? it would be great! thanks for all your great and altruistic work!
I’ll think about that. Interesting idea. Thanx
Hey, I really appreciate your work and I didn’t through all the comments here, but please consider adding: Tumblr, MySpace, YouTube and maybe LinkedIN :)) Thanks!!
I’m facing some problem with the widget About Me 3000
my WordPress is giving this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare widget_aboutme() (previously declared in D:wampwwwwordpress-2.8.1-arwp-contentpluginsaboutme98aboutme.php:100) in D:wampwwwwordpress-2.8.1-arwp-contentpluginsabout-me-3000aboutme3000.php on line 66
Sure it works with WP2.8.2 ?
I eactivated it, configured some options, but the only thing I see in the sidepanel is the ‘about me’ title
The problem has been solved
appaerantly it does work, but the ‘about me’ title is in the sidebar just where it should be
The avatar and links are complete at the bottom of the page, so you don’t see it unless you completely scroll down to the end.
using WP 2.8.2
nevermind, it works using another theme
Great plugin – it pulls together a few nice features. Two additions would be nice to see: the ability to determine the order of the icons as presented and adding additional links – linkedin, in particular… but there are so many, I know. Thanks!
I am having the same issue as Steven above. I think it might have something to do with the CSS in my theme, just like Steven mentioned. I really don’t want to change my theme just yet, I am happy using the minimalist theme. Is there a hotfix for this? Please see my blog at
Thank you in advance.
Here is the code that shows up for the widget:
About Me
.aboutme {clear:both}
.aboutme * {border: 0px solid;}
.aboutme img {padding:0px;}
I am 37 year old Entrepreneur working from home and raising my two kids, a 3 year old and a 1 year old. I started this blog to help me and others raising children that may be geeky!
var string1 = "robe1221";
var string2 = "@";
var string3 = "";
var string4 = string1 + string2 + string3;
and, if I remove the following lines:
.aboutme {clear:both}
.aboutme * {border: 0px solid;}
.aboutme img {padding:0px;}
** and it’s asssociated closing tag
It looks fine on my website.
Any ideas??
Thanks in advance
Also, how did you get the readers feedburner stat on your about me widget? I don’t see that anywhere in the settings
I made a comment about using the widget on my blog, doesn’t look like it made it. But my issue is that the title is shown in the correct spot but my photo and text are shown way down at the bottom.
If I remove the block and one of the blocks around the photo and text, it appears to display correctly. I am using the minimalist theme for wordpress and my blog is located at the URL I have listed above.
Thank you for looking into this
Appreciate the plug-in greatly. Would like to add my add my vote for LinkedIn and YouTube.
I’ll implement Youtube + LinkedIn in next version 😉
Linkedin is pretty much essential these days. Include this and you will have a great offering. Thanks for the work.
Any luck on debugging in the layout issue I am having?
Robert.. I can fix that but need your help. You have to enable plugin so I can test what’s the issue.
BTW: There is new version available with LinkedIn + Youtube + MySpace implemented 😉
I upgraded and enabled the widget on my blog at
I cannot see it active on your site. I sent you an email.
How does the gravtar photo image get put into the widget? I see how to activate the gravatar but it’s the default image, not an image I want to use.
Thank you so much for this plugin. I just downloaded it today and am enjoying getting to know what it will do. Is it possible to connect with your Facebook Page instead of Profile? I have tried that url but doesn’t seem to work. If this is not something that is possible now — can I add it to the wish list? Thanks again.
Dave… Gravatar is based on your email address you entered. You have to go to and associate (upload image) image with your email address
Susan… Its impossible. If you’re familiar with PHP a bit you can make modification yourself.
Thanks, Csaba. I had the e-mail address in but I didn’t realize on your plugin, the address was case-sensitive. It works now.
Csaba, thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, I am a soapmaker who’s just trying to keep her head above water with her own blog and website. I know no PHP at all. I appreciate what you’ve done and will just go with that.
I did have another question. I am unable to get my subscriber stat numbers to show for some reason. The RSS link works fine so am not sure why the subscriber # image isn’t showing. I use FireFox and it just shows white space. In IE7 and IE8 it is showing that “unable to load image icon” (the little square with the x in it.) Is there something else I need to be doing to get it to show? When I go to my Feedburner page I see the stats there so am assuming all is enabled correctly.
Thanks for your assistance with this.
I like to have this plugin on my page.
But i want to put it in a single page.
Is this possible?
I want to have it in the contact page at my site.
Thank you for any ansers…
Jimmy aka. Vincent Angeldust
Hi again Csaba!
As I told you before,
I want it on a single page,
not as a widget in the sidebar.
But you probably understod that already.
I am very impressed with your site. The quality of the design and content makes it a real winner! Thanks again for a great site and a great resource.
Dear Csasba,
as the others sayed: Great Plugin. I´ve implement it on my Page and it´s doing well. No issues at all, just two wishes:
1. open Links in new Window
2. Chance of 2nd Install (We are two Authors with different Profiles on Twitter etc.)
If you can give me a hint, I´m a little bit familiar with php 😉
Regards from Berlin, Germany
I like your social media sharing links, can i download a plugin for that from your site?
I was wondering if there is the possibility of linking to a company profile on linkedin. The current http://www.linkedin/in url doesn’t seem to work with the linkedin company url
hi, thanks for your plugin, i have a question, my wordpress theme do not support the widget, so can you tell us how to add a code to the theme file,
Hi there,
This plug-in is great. Thank you for making it!
I have one concern: When I first installed it, my gravatar image showed up but now it will not show, regardless of if I have the option to show it enabled or not.
Also, I second Andy’s request for an option to open links in new windows, and if possible would also like to see html tagging enabled so I can tweak my text inside the text box (like italics, bold, line breaks, etc.). And lastly I think it would be awesome to have either a link to the user’s ABOUT page from this widget, and/or to have the option to pull text directly from the user’s ABOUT page so they don’t have to update both.
Ah ~ I figured out the problem with the gravatar – I changed my email in the settings and it messed with the image.
Please consider my other suggestions!
Looking forward to new improvements.
I’m sure this has been asked, but I can’t seem to find any good info on it. I’d like to edit your plugin to ad other social sites. It looks intuitive, but I can’t get it to work. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong.
Example of what I’m doing. I edit your aboutme3000.php file. I add “Posterous” Titles array, and insert “” in the corresponding spot in the URLs array.
The option “Posterous” does show up in the Settings page, but it’s missing the favicon (I know, I need to manually put one on my server), but otherwise, it looks like the others. I enter my ID, click save. When I view the active plugin, it shows an empty space where the missing favicon would be, but it’s using the wrong URL (in my example, it’s using
Any info would be appreciated!
Hello and thanks for the nice work.
I can’t quite get my gravatar to load instead of the std pic.
When I compare the URL’s there seems to be a “?s=80” at the end … if I remove that then the right gravatar loads …
Am I doing something wrong ? how can I edit the URL called for the Gravatar or how can I get my gravatar URL to match the one called by the widget ?
Thanks in advance,
Maybe it can help with the URL see blog under construction at:
You can see the About me plugin with the std avatar… right click on the pic and remove the ?s=80 at the end of the Url to load the correct avatar… does this help?
How do I add this to a page and not the sidebar?
Great plugin, thank you!
Also, thank you for making it so easy to add other social networks! I added Flickr, and all I had to do was add the word “Flickr” and an example URL, and the .png image. Very slick!
I used the flickr icon from here, if you want to add it to your plugin:
There is a small bug (typo?) on line 57 in aboutme3000.php, makes the email.png not showing in the widget.
When requesting the blog url: , you need to make it request the install dir:
Am I missing something, or is there a way to make the social icons list horizontally instead of vertically? I’m running WordPress 2.8.5 with the Bold theme from Elegant Themes, and the icons appear underneath the About Me text vertically, breaking through down the sidebar into other widgets.
Hi, just passing by to thank you for this pluggin, I’m currently using (twitter/linkedin) it in my blog and it’s perfect!
Great work for this Widget!
Have to add any other icons options ?
– orkut profile
– google profile
– google reader
– picasa webalbuns
– user linux count
Tks !
I really like this plug-in but I am having a problem with it. You can view it on my homepage… you have to scroll down to mid – page.
I can’t seem to get the plugin to run horizontally in my sidebar and fill up the width of it. Instead it is running vertically and only filling up my sidebar half way.
When I try to place it at the top of my sidebar, it still only fills the sidebar half way with a blank space next to it and on some pages it causes the entire contents of my sidebar to shift all the way to the right side of my site.
I know that this problem might also have to do with my theme. I have contacted it’s author also.
Please offer any help you can.
I wonder if this plugin can be implemented on a regular site which is not WordPress. Any advice is highly appreciated.
Hey great widget man, will be checking this out right after I post this comment.
I love your plugn, but unfortunately, the font is too big for my theme and it runs out of the sidebar. Tried putting in html styling but it is stripped out. Tried creating a class in my css but that is also stripped out. Not really familiar with php, but had a look at your code and don’t see anywhere these settings can be changed. Any way to do so? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
I really like your About Me 3000 plugin.
Can I make a feature request?
If so, (hehe) I’d like to be able to specify a URL that the user will be taken to if they click “About Me” or my gravatar picture.
I’ll pay $10 for the feature. Just send me a paypal account.
I would like to create a hyperlink in the text field so that it takes the viewers to an About me page which is excluded from the Nav Bar.
I tried adding a html code to the “Read More..” link…but it does not work…How to sort this out.
Any chance you’d be willing to update this plugin? The feedburner badge appears to be broken and it could use more service links like MobileMe, Tumblr, Posterous, Google Buzz, Brightkite, etc.
Thanks for any help, and I’m willing to donate if it helps, but I can’t find a link.
nice work!
but the email icon source description in the aboutme3000.php should be “” instead of “” to prevent those two urls are different.
Long-time user, nice work.
Plans to add the location-based site’s & their icons? (Foursquare?)
Under the plugin settings, About You field, I can’t put in a link. When I update options, the link is removed. Any ideas?
Hi, I really like your plug in, it’s just what I was looking for.
I am not sure if this is a silly question but how can I get my picture in there?
Here’s the link to my website and what you can see is the default Gravatar.
Thanks again.
Great work. A few comments:
1) Would be lovely to be able to include HTML in the ‘bio’ section
2) every few times i try to go to the admin page, i get a “you do not have sufficient permissions’ error. I’m using WP3.0
I must say, I really like this plugin. However, I agree with some of the previous commentors, it would be great if we could put in our ‘company’ or ‘blog’ Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. accounts. If we try to add those the links don’t work. I would also love to see more social networks and the ability to link to the picture and a read more link that we can specify. This way we can use this to allow the user to continue to our about page. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!
I saw this plug-in in action at and was very impressed. Therefore I tried to add it to my own site.
But, when I try to access settings I get this message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
I am the only author of this site (but the admin of this site isn’t called admin due to safety reasons). Any idea of why this is happening? And how I can fix it?
I would also love to see Google profiles added. Especially with the rumors that a new Google social network could be on the horizon. Great plug-in, thank you!
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
wtf is wrong? I just installed it through the “Add New Plugin” option and activated it and that’s what i get!
Could there be a plugin conflict?
Feedback is appreciated
I get “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” every time…
i always syndicate feeds on my subcribers and of course feedburner is definitely a great help ‘-“
I’m also getting the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” when trying to access the administrator settings.
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this problem? I’m going to guess that the plugin is checking the database and doesn’t like what it see’s. I was just curious if there’s anything to check before I start tearing the code apart.
Issue has been fixed for WP 3.0 and up. Small changes in WP code caused this. You can upgrade from your CP or download new version 1.6 here:
Hi, first I love the plug in – it’s exactly what I was looking for so thanks for that! But, now that I’ve inserted it into my blog, I find that when I try to facebook a new post my gravatar shows up instead of the featured image for that post. Is there anyway I can change this??
I like this plug-in, but it won’t work with my site. A white screen appears after log-in, and I can’t get to my dash-board. Everything works fine as long as the About Me 3000 plug-in is deactivated… too bad
I reinstalled the plug-in and now it works just fine…
I love this plugin, have been using for a couple of years. I recently upgraded and added other icons. Then the white background disappeared. It was working fine like the other widgets on my page.
Can you tell me where to go to modify the CSS? Or if this is caused by something else.
My links are broken (except for email), despite the proper link being provided. Thoughts??
Dont use full URLs for links, So e.g. instead of use:
enter just: upernatural10
The widget will prepend the rest.
I love the plug-in. Many thanks. My feedback is that I would like to be able to register multiple instances of it so that I can add it to different page sidebars. I tried widget duplicator that doesn’t work and I even tried display widgets but that doesn’t work with it either. My theme has 3 default sidebar items and I’d so love to have the about me above the content.
I can’t get the FB or the Twitter button to work. They show up perfectly but the link doesn’t work. Help! =D
You have to remove and part and enter only IDs