Some say that MooTools is the best JavaScript framework in the world, and I can’t disagree with that. On the other hand, I can’t agree with it, either, but it’s surely a pleasure to check so many excellent tools build using it, and today’s piece of MooTools code is a highly customizable image gallery using the notorious coverflow approach…
… namely MooFlow! Coming from Germany, this script allows you to use JSON or HTML with selector-filter as data source when loading images, while its interface can be easily skinned from head to toe using CSS.
MooFlow’s feature list is pretty long, including autoresize on changes of window dimensions, a fullscreen option, mouse wheel or key input scrolling, autoplay presentation loop, JavaScript-powered reflection effect, and even the ability to run multiple instances.
Compatibility: Mooflow works with all major browsers, but requires MooTools, Slider & Asset plugins; to give it a quick try, check the demo… and don’t forget to donate, if you think this piece of code is useful to you! 😉