AutoGrow Textarea

Goood morning, people! I love things that don’t require “user intervention,” and that includes naturally cool mornings in summer, without the help of any air conditioning device. Well… my wife opened the windows a few hours ago, and that’s all, and if we step into the Web programming realm… what do you think about input boxes that resize as the amount of text you enter gets larger?
AutoGrow Textarea
The idea behind AutoGrow Textarea is very simple – you don’t need to have huge text areas waiting for two words to be entered. Of course, some may consider it a strange design element, but I think it’s pretty cool to have your input boxes grow as you type.

This piece of code comes like a mooTools plugin, and is based on the jQuery plugin currently being developed by Chrys Bader. AutoGrow Textarea is covered by the terms of both the MIT and GPL licenses, so if you’re fine with that and don’t have any problems with mooTools code… you should definitely give it a try! 😉

Oh, yeah, one last thing – if you want to check the demo without taking a look at the official page I mentioned a bit earlier, go here.

Compatibility: AutoGrow Textarea should feel just like home with any major browser having JavaScript enabled, apart from requiring mooTools on the server side

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