
Ever wondered if Vista would be able to run inside a Web browser? Sure you haven’t, this is simply insane, but it seems a lot of insane things are happening on the Web these days… and qWikiOffice is one of those sweet crazy things you should definitely check out!
While projects like Schmedley have been around for some time already, it’s always great to see new stuff like that, especially since we’re talking about something that you should be able to run from your own domain, and not just use someone else’s code…

… because by using just the power of the Ext JS Library and some PHP code, qWikiOffice delivers you a Vista-like interface to your browser (GPL license, this time, and no, there’s no DirectX 9 video card needed to see transparent stuff, either!), providing you a framework that allows you to add windows, tabs, start menu items, dialog boxes, and more, all inside your own Web-based application!

I know this may not seem to be such a big thing to some people, but I really love it, so I will end it all here, but not before showing you the way to the demo (hint: change some wallpapers and see how fast it moves)… enjoy! 🙂

Compatibility: all major browsers are supported, except IE6; I played with qWikiOffice in Opera, Firefox, IE8, Google Chrome and Maxthon – all fine!

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