
Integrating various media files to your website gets more interesting with each day, as the number of noobs surfing the Internet increases. I didn’t say it with a bad intention, it’s just the fact that older people getting to discover the World Wide Web, and even some of the young ones, simply won’t install video codecs, a PDF reader, an audio player, and other similar “must have” tools, because they think Windows has everything one may need out of the box. Wrooong!

Considering all the above, being able to provide a player/loader for all kinds of files on your site is a big plus, especially when your users don’t have to install anything. This is exactly where Bumpbox steps into the spotlight, offering you a bunch of features that make it stand out of the crowd, like support for displaying PDF files, next to what most people expect from similar scripts, like FLV, image, HTML and SWF support.

Bumpbox is built using MooTools, and its name seems to be related to the fact that the modal box is being displayed with a classy bump effect. Able to work with both remote and local files, Bumpbox uses Flowplayer to deliver FLV files to the end user. That’s all, folks! 😉

Compatibility: all major browsers, but you should try a demo first, just to be sure (I am sure the Adobe Flash Player is needed, anyway…)

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