No, the title is not wrong. I understand unusual capitalization of certain brands, but when somebody decides to use “tablesorter” as the name of a product, that’s a bit above my ability to understand. Anyway, we’re not going to talk about the name, this was just a thought… since you get to use the code, and no matter its name, if a jQuery plugin gets the job done, who cares about its name?
tablesorter is a MIT/GPL-licensed jQuery plugin that allows you to easily turn a standard HTML table into a sortable one without any page refreshes needed. Sure, the HTML table should be one made using the THEAD and TBODY tags, and both the jQuery library and the tablesorter plugin should be included in the
The features of this plugin include multicolumn sorting, support for primary and secondary (“hidden”) sorting, ability to sort text, integer/floating point numbers, currencies, IP addresses, time, as well as a widget system that allows you to add your own parsers.
The official page has a lot of well written info about virtually anything you may need to know about tablesorter, so I’ll close this article here, as usual…
Compatibility: any major browser with JavaScript enabled, tested by Christian Bach (the programmer behind the plugin) on Firefox 2+, Internet Explorer 6+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+, Konqueror