Today, we released a new version of the About Me 3000 widget. The following features were implemented:
- Added MySpace, StumbleUpon, YouTube and LinkedIn profiles
- Added ability to disable Feedburner counter image
Hope you’ll enjoy this new release. We’re waiting for comments and suggestions.
You can download it here,
Thanks for the terrific plugin. I think there’s an error in this version (1.4), however.
I have not selected to display an icon for Stumbeupon (in fact those fields are blank), yet the icon for Stumbleupon appears in my “About Me” section.
Thank you. This issue has been fixed and you can download version 1.5
Works great, thank you
Man, that was fast. Thanks!
Thank you
links don’t show in a row -inline- like in your “about me” widget on your page, they show in a list can this be changed? and where.
Thanks in advvance
How should I add Last FM and Plaxo to About me.
Take care
Bo Bertnsen
Hi there,
I have added the follwing:
Google Profile
If someone is interested?! andreas [at]
Greetings from Berlin/Germany
Ups, just forgotten…
Links are opening in a new window 😉
and Plaxo added
just some ideas: it would be nice to have html support for links (could be to a simple modal contact form or something else).
It would also be nice to be able to add a link for curriculums in files such as zip or pdf – I’ve tweaked the current Widget3000 to do that for me… but cant go around the no html support thing.
Oh and u could also add the Vimeo community (HQ premium video site), cause it’s big.
Nifty little widget. Thank you.
Great plugin, thanks!!!
Would love to be able to add more links! (vimeo is one of them).
How do I get my picture to show up in the gravitar?
I translated to portuguese, download here.
I’d like to use your ‘About me’ widget. But my sidebar is not widget based. How can I embed the widget into html code of my side bar?
Best regards.
The Gravatar part doesn’t seem to be working in v1.4 with WP 2.8.6. I enter my email address, but it just displays the default Gravatar avatar instead of mine.
Love it.
Would appreciate seeing Posterous available or instructions on how to add it.
Love the style and compact format you offer.
Great plugin!
However I wonder how I could align the text in the “about me” box. I would like to have the text justify. I think it looks better.
Wonderful Widget! But I get 46 validation errors.
Have I done sometihng wrong or is it known problem?
I really like your Widget. It both looks nice and works nice. But i get 46 validation errors. Have I done something wrong or is it a know problem?
Well, sorry about 2 comments, now 3…
Will the 1.5 version of the about-me widget work on WP 2.9.1?
…forgot a question. -Is it not possible to use a local avatar picture instead of having to register a gravatar? I dont really want to use the same picure (or use a picture at all) on every site’s I’m visiting.
Btw it looks like it works on WP v2.9.1
Hi, how do I add the Gravatar?
Is it possible to open a NEW window once the icon (facebook, twitter, etc.) its been clicked?
using release 1.5
Love the widget, but for some reason it shows up at the bottom of the page, just below the last post. Any ideas?
Hi, is it possibile to add more than one bio?
I am trying to get the gravatar image
to center…..where in the code can I change that so that it will?
Nice plugin – would be great if it supported some basic tags such as to give greater control over the text format
Nice Plugin. Only Xing is missing IMO. But looks great…
I think you should include a CSSfile so people can easily style this plugin. I had an issue where the margin underneath my picture was way too big – looked bad and I had to remove it.
Why is it that after I have actived the plugin and click on the about me link in my left settings area it tells me “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
@Keith: it probably has something to do with your WP settings.
Hi, I love the plugin, however trying to get the gravatar image to display, but it show’s the default image. Would you be able to advise?
Ó‰urrah, that’s wɦat Ó€ Õ¡as exploring for, what a material!
existing here at this website, thanks admin of thiѕ ѕite.