
As far as most people know, Rialto is the most notorious bridge in Venice. If you missed seeing it so far, go ahead and do it, it’s surely an objective a serious tourist must see, but if you’re a programmer… there’s a different Rialto waiting for you, and it’s even much easier to reach! 😉
In our case, Rialto comes from “Rich Internet Application Toolkit,” being a cross-browser, AJAX-based JavaScript widgets library that can be easily encapsulated in .NET, Python, PHP, JSP or JSF graphic components. Its obvious purpose is to make things more straightforward for programmers, allowing development of rich Internet applications without having to write or even understand DHTML, AJAX or DOM code.

Unfortunately, the main target of this library is the corporate environment, so if you’re into designing such Web apps and you need forms, resizable columns, pop ups and so on… Rialto may be the right choice!

Compatibility: I guess that apps built using Rialto should work on any major browser, as long as JavaScript is enabled, and I am sure there’s no serious corporation in this world using Flock, Maxthon, or Google Chrome… or at least not yet! 😉

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