
“Focus, focus, focus. Get organized! Stop wasting time!” Nothing new here, right? There are millions of people saying this to themselves each day, but only a small part of this crowd will manage to end the day and accomplish all the tasks scheduled. Or… should I say “the tasks they didn’t schedule the right way,” maybe? Anyway, developer or not, we all need a place to store all our to-do lists, and having a bunch of notes on the desk isn’t exactly the smartest choice…
OK, but what if you already have a Google account? Should you spare those “only 31 seconds” to signup for Toodledo, or not? With this free online tool, you can use tags, folders, contexts, goals, notes, time estimates and more to get organized, and since Web access via a computer isn’t everything these days, Toodledo is also available for various mobile phones(

A very interesting feature of this time/task management tool is the one allowing you to print a foldable booklet of your to-do lists that will nicely fit into your pocket. No more “I had no connectivity so I missed that scheduled meeting” excuses from now on!

At last, you should also know that Toodledo can import tasks from a bunch of sources, including Apple’s iCal, Microsoft Outlook, and even from other similar online tools. Pretty good for a free service (paid versions are also available, but that’s another story, because the free one will satisfy most average users), don’t you agree? 😉

Compatibility: Toodledo works with any major browser, as well as some mobile phones (iPhone included, of course!)

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