
I really like to start every new week by discovering something cool, and today I had a big revelation. What kind of revelation? Well, first of all, some time has passed since we talked about any kind of online background generator… and second, I really don’t know how did I manage to miss BgPatterns for so long!
BgPatterns obviously comes from “background patterns,” but I really like this site a lot, because it offers more than just some patterns to save and then use for your own projects. In this case, you have a bunch of images to choose from (categories available include scrolls – my favorite, stars, flowers, hearts, trees, and more), as well as the ability to choose pattern and background colors, canvas type and size, and finally to rotate the pattern image in your work of art.

Using BgPatterns is really straightforward – all you need to do is mess with each of the elements I mentioned above, and finally download you work (you can also get a free account on the site and save it there, or just apply the background image to the background of the site itself). Awesome!

Just one more thing – BgPatterns is free for any kind of work you may have in mind, but if you really like this resource and make good use of it, I suggest sparing some bucks for a little donation… 😉

Compatibility: I played with BgPatterns in Opera, IE, Chrome, and even in FF with my script blocker turned on (warning: disable such tools to see the tool working properly, all right?) – everything worked just as expected!

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