These days, it seems everyone’s into releasing free scripts to the public, and I can’t say this is bad. In fact, I think it’s great, even if we’re talking about a URL shortener that comes “as is” and was written using PHP, MySQL, as well as some mod_rewrite tricks…
… namely Lessn, a script that can be installed in just a few moments, since all the instructions come in a very clear (and rather short) readme file. With a little bit of assistance, I am sure even my uncle could make this work (he has nothing to do with computers!), believe me!
To have Lessn up and running, all you have to do is create a user and pass in the config.php file, then enter the details required to connect to a database you want to use. Once you do that, upload the entire folder containing the file and access it to enter your own URL shortener. Sweet!
Compatibility: Lessn works in all major browsers and requires PHP 4.4.8 and MySQL 4.1.25 (or above, of course)