No matter if you are in charge of a little forum or a huge social networking site, security is always an issue, and I don’t even want to think about the complexity of this problem for those working for e-commerce sites… but since it’s not my job to secure any special site, I will try to give everyone a little security help. How? By talking about a security auditing tool, of course!
While it may not be able to audit PHP code, PHPSecInfo can surely be useful as a small part of security approach using multiple components, since all it can do is to run a batch of tests and identify potential security issues of your server’s environment.
More than just locating problems, PHPSecInfo is also able to offer suggestions, and if what you get from it is not enough, you can also check the security guide coming from its creators.
How to install it? Nothing easier, just unpack the files to your server and point your browser to the index.php file, that’s all!
Compatibility: all major browsers, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it working in text-based and other “exotic” ones, either…