If you want to integrate a image gallery into your personal website or a small company website, you can easily use a free image gallery website system. One of the best image gallery website system I have ever seen is Moa.
Moa is written in PHP and uses MySQL for data storage. Moa is not intended for people who want comments or ratings and it doesn’t require registration or login usernames. Moe is for people who want to share on their website their pictures from holidays, pictures wih their family and other personal photos.
With Moa you can create galleries and sub-galleries. Also you can put your photos into galleries based on keyword tags. You don’t need to make the thumbnails because Moa generates them automatically. In the admin panel you can check for corruption and lost or un-tagged images.
Moa allows a hierarchical gallery structure and allows images to appear in more than one gallery without re-uploading. Galleries can be made and will auto-populate with any images that have matching tags. Because Moa was created for users with basic needs, adding, editting and deleting galleries or images is easy.
Moa is released as Open Source under the zlib/libpng license. Download Moa from here. The creator of the script put on his website a Live Demo of Moa, so you can try it before you download it.
Compatibility: MySQL 5.0.1 or higher, Apache 2.0 or higher, PHP 5.2 or higher, PHP extension – gd2, PHP extension – mbstring