If you have multiple blogs, you need a simple tool to maintain all of them very simple and easy. Kish Multi is a perfect tool for you. It helps you to maintain multiple blogs from a single blog. Kish Multi uses Ajax, this way there is only one page to load.
With Kish Multi you can write new posts for all your blogs. This means you can write text with TinyMCE editor, assign categories, upload images, add videos, add tags, schedule posts and assign categories.
You can also moderate comments on all blogs managed by this plugin. You can reply to a comment, mark a comment as spam and pending. An additional feature which is not available with the default wordpress installation is reply via email. All the comment reply sends and email to the author of the parent comment.. With Kish Multi you can also cross post a post from one blog to other blogs.
If you are using All in one seo plugin, you can add the custom title, description and keywords into the fields provided.
The installation is very simple. Download the plugin, unzip the files and upload them to the plugins directory. Don’t forget to make the upload directory inside the uploadify folder. The images are temporarily uploaded to this folder
Scripts Used – JQuery, Uploadify
Compatibility: Requires WordPress Version: 2.8 or higher