If you want to integrate a news system to your website, you should take a look at Cutenews. Cutenews is a great news management system and the most important thing, it uses flat files to store its database. This way you don’t need a MYSQL server. It supports comments and archives that can be organized by months. Also it supports search function, file upload management, backup & restore, IP banning, flood protection and more.Not only it supports comments, but also you can use smilies, avatars and HTML code. All of these can be inserted using its WYSIWYG editor.
For enhanced security the names in comments are password protected. Also CuteNews offers flood protection and you can ban the IP of users who post offensive comments. CuteNews offers spam protection with random bot word. This is done very simple: people will have to fill in this word before the comment can be added to the database. This word is a generated String of letters and numbers. This protection is similar to reCaptcha. The main difference is that in reCaptcha users will have to introduce a scrambled code from an image.
The installation is very simple. Download the script, unzip it and upload it to the hosting server. After that go to www.yoursite.com/cutenews/index.php , login and that is all.
The main problem with this script is the price: $39.95.