I love vectorized images, especially when they are the result of a conversion operation performed on a good photo. Sure, this requires a good photo and a program that can turn your raster image to vector, right? Scratch that, just get some free vectors, and that’s all. With resources like LAFKON vektorDB, you can’t go wrong!


LAFKON vektorDB is a freely accessible database containing free vector images created by LAFKON Publishing. How many sets are available? That’s a good question, and I am really sorry to say that I can’t answer it. Just… browse through, and start counting, if you really don’t have anything else better to do! Now, going back to the vectors and their use…

… I should add that all vectors are available as layered PDFs or SVGs, so you can easily edit them as needed. All the designs available on this page are free when used in open source projects, or with an attribution when used in free/commercial projects, being covered by the terms of the GNU and CC licenses.

Compatibility: all major browsers, as far as I can tell (no problems in Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome)


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