These days, online multimedia content seems to grow at a scary rate. As long as we’re talking about original work, I don’t think “scary” should find its place in the previous sentence, but things are quite different, unfortunately, because this growth comes with a proportional growth of plagiarized content. Oh, well, you win some, you lose some, but as long as images are nicely displayed as a slideshow, one may overlook the fact they can be seen on 2345 websites… 😉
Today, I’ll tell you a few words about a Gradually, a rather simple MooTools image slider, one that allows you to display the images using a certain order, as well as to display informative text for each of them. Even better – and exactly as I was expecting – this piece of code is free to use, being available under the terms of the MIT License.
Gradually uses the HTML5 canvas element to create a pretty cool transition effect (nothing out of this world, anyway, but I’ve surely seen a lot of less interesting effects so far), requiring an unordered list of images and employing the alt tag value to display the informative text. To find out more about it… be sure to check the link mentioned earlier! 😉
Compatibility: all major browsers, but IE requires excanvas – at least for now…