Bubble Engine

Some say bubbles are useless when it comes to graphic effects for your site, but I disagree with that. Sometimes, they can be really funny, just like a bubble bath – somehow useless, but surely a lot of fun! Today, I’ll give you a hint about a free bubbles generator. Unfortunately, it only works with websites, because if it would have been able to turn a regular bathtub into one with bubbles, I wouldn’t be in front of my computer right now…

Bubble Engine comes at no charge, version 1.0 being released about two weeks ago and providing a pretty rich collection of adjustable settings, like the size, looks, position of the bubbles generated. While adding bubbles to a page can be pretty fun, you can also include BubbleMachines.js to your code and then get some draggable graphics able to create bubbles. Is this cool, or what? Cool or useless, I know what some friends of mine might say…

… but if you’re still wondering about this neat jQuery plugin (jQuery Easing is also required), I think you should go ahead and take a look at the Bubble Engine demo available here. That’s all, folks!

Compatibility: all major browsers with Java enabled, of course 😉

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