Social Media Bubblicons

If the days of the week are for producing content, messing with endless pages of code and designs, the weekend should be for having a lot of fun. When I say “fun,” I think about online fun and offline fun as well, and submitting content to sites like Digg, StumbleUpon or Mixx surely goes into the “fun” category, because I always end up interacting with other users and discovering interesting online resources. Now… what about Social Media Bubblicons?

Well, the story goes like this – if I have to choose between some text links and some good looking buttons, I always go with the buttons, especially because sites like Digg, Twitter or Mixx have a well defined brand/visual identity. If you’re working on some blog or content-centric website, I am sure you’ll enjoy this 20 icons set a lot, since each of them comes in the PNG format and 48X48 resolution.

Created by Supratim Nayak, the Social Media Bubblicons set is Royalty-free, so you can freely use its content for personal or commercial work without any worry, as long as you don’t redistribute or sell the files. That’s all, folks, enjoy these Social Media Bubblicons and be sure to have a great weekend! 😉

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