Surreal Todo

I am tired of not being able to organize my time properly. The funny thing is that, from time to time, I manage to solve this problem but, somehow, I find all my time management reduced to a mess again after a while… so I think people like me would really enjoy Surreal Todo, today’s open source Web application.

Surreal Todo can be easily used as an online notebook or, even better, a to-do list manager. Built using PHP, this piece of code uses MySQL to handle data storage tasks, while jQuery is taking care of the JavaScript part.

Surreal Todo is really easy to use, offering a fully Ajaxed interface and allowing you to create new tabs, pages and lists instanaly, also being capable of handling drag and drop operations.

Surreal Todo needs at least PHP 5.2 and MySQL, while all browsers, except IE, should be able to run it without major problems (I must confess that I noticed some lags while playing with the demo in Opera, unfortunately).

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