Yeah… here I am, wasting time looking at some awesome pictures instead of writing about what I should write about. Well, that’s not so bad, after all, since I wasn’t looking at some gallery online, this was a gallery that uses Flogr, today’s topic! 🙂
OK, so what’s that special about Flogr, after all? Nothing really special, to be honest – it’s just one of those many open source PHP applications built to display photos hosted on various sites, this time Flickr. Obviously, there’s a bit more to say about it – this PHP piece of code is highly customizable, being able to display all your Flickr photos or only those who meet certain requirements (various tags, photosets), while providing a lot of information, such as photo details, EXIF, comments, tags and even geo-location info. Sweet!
To enjoy the awesome pictures I mentioned in the beginning and also get a taste of Flogr at the same time, just click here. Flogr is free to use and, in case you were wondering, it also has RSS 2.0 support and can generate a tag cloud using the tags of the images you feed it. That’s all, folks – Merry Christmas! 😉