X-Icon Editor

Do you really need to download some icon editor just to create a fav icon for your site? Hey, it can get even worse – you may have to pay for such a tool! Wait, wait – I just found a really great solution to all these problems – a Web-based icon editor! Its name is X-Icon Editor and, according to its official page, is “the first HTML5 application that allows you to create high resolution icons directly from within the browser.”

To take X-Icon Editor for a quick spin, I decided to turn one black and white image of myself into an icon. Don’t worry – it won’t go online (according to some of my friends, that image is so scary, that the Internet itself would run away from it) as favicon of some website, so the end of our days is still unknown…

Going back to my task, I must say it all worked as I expected it to: I imported the image from my hard drive (supported formats are JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG and ICO), cropped a region, selected the size of the icon to import to, messed with the tools available a bit, then I exported the ICO file. Pretty easy, don’t you think?

Oh, yeah – remember that X-Icon Editor is an HTML5 application based on Canvas that works simply great on Opera 11, I can testify to that, since that’s the browser I usually use and… I guess this should be the whole story. Feel free to take these great tools for a spin, you won’t be disappointed by any of them, but both are simply awesome – X-Icon Editor+Opera = love!!! 😉

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