When it comes to quality control, I think humans will soon be missed in a lot of fields. With the risk of seeing the entire human race trying to be as accurate and fast as robots and losing almost everything that makes us human in the process, I think that robot-powered quality control is a great choice, at least in some fields. While programming is not one of them, tools that can find errors and most potential problems in your code sound like something pretty useful, so today I’m bringing you JSHint, such a piece of code for your JavaScript programming efforts.
An open source, community-driven and, obviously, completely free, JSHint has a lot of options available, allowing you to easily adjust it to fit any coding guidelines you may be using, as well as the environment your code is expected to be executed in. For example, the following environments are supported at this time: browser, ES5, Node.js, Rhino, as well as Yahoo! Widget. On the other side, available options allow you to allow bitwise operators/debugger/logging statements or not, check line breaks (or not), tolerate eval, as well as a few others that you can easily find on the product’s page.
Since we’re talking about a community-driven and open project, you should keep in mind that its code is available on GitHub and, in case you need a feature that’s not available yet, you can easily create a ticket to ask for it or, even better, start working on it yourself! Well, I guess that’s all for today… but in case you still don’t feel eager to give JSHint a chance, hear this: this project is a fork of Douglas Crockford’s notorious JSLint, following a different path when it comes to controlling the code. Now, that’s all of it – have a nice week, I know I will! 🙂