Just fixed issue that caused a “you do not have sufficient permissions” error in WordPress 3.0 and up. You can go and download new version here .
Sorry for inconveniences.
Feel free to leave comments and suggestions for next development.
Bad-ass, my friend. Thank you. My only wish is that I would like to be able to have an active link in the about me description. An example would be Darren Rowse at the bottom of http://www.problogger.net
Thanks, I just released version 1.7. Following HTML tags are allowed now: [<p>, <a> ,<b> , <strong>, <i>, <u>]
Hi! Just downloaded and installed the 1.7 version.
Great widget. I think it would be great giving the chance to align the photo on the right and/or justify the text.
Greetings! 😉
Great Work. I’d love to see a Feedburner e-mail subscription icon and also Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messenger and Google Talk Status indicators. Maybe twitter followers badge option will be cool too.
Also option for 32 x32 and 48x48px would be much appreciated
Great plugin ..
please add form “feedburner”
Thank U, really,really its great plugin….
I would like to be able to put forced line breaks in the text box. Thanks!
Just released version 1.75 contains this feature 😉
Wow! Thanks! I’d also like a pony and a MILLION DOLLARS
Me too 😉 You’re welcome !
I would love to see a flickr link, as well as to be able to have multiple widgets and/or social contacts. For instance, I’m working on a family website. I’d love to have a box for my connections and one for my wife’s.
A tumblr button would be great too.
Thanks for the plugin! But I noticed that if you use capital letters in your email the image won’t show up. Might want to add strtolower(email) in the next release.
thanks again!
Made fix in version 1.95. Just has been published. Thank you for your comment.
Great updates! It lacks of a Posterous button and then you could say it covers the most relevant social networks in the web.
Greetings from Italy!
It’s a great widget but I’m having a problem getting my gravatar to display – right now I just see a big G.
Great plugin ..
I love it…very good “plugin” .. 😉
Nice update; would be great to have some location based services icons as well (Foursquare & Gowalla) & as someone mentioned above, Posterous too!
Hi! I have another tip for you. You could add a Quora icon. In this period Quora is growing very much and it will become more and more important.
Hi. I just started using the plug-in. It’s great. The only problem I’m having is this: the social media icons are lining vertically, not horizontally. I want them lined up horizontally. How do I fix this?
We like this widget very much. Would prefer much larger sized email/FB/Twitter etc icons though.
Great plugin! Thanks a bunch.
How about extending this plugin to enable multiple “about me”s (more than one person) to be featured on the sidebar 😉
Only changes the “about me”, I really want to change the “About Admin” using comments in wordpress. Only getting the Gravatar logo.
hello, this is a great plugin!
Could i upload a photo instead of the gravatar.
There is no option that i could see.
it would be perfect!
Thanks so much.
This is a great plugin!
Hello i have a problem with your plug-in. My facebook icon doest not work. I post my profile id but on the main page of my blog instead of showing one line of the url with my profile when i click on it it show 3 urls back to back. Why does this happen?In the settings of the plugin its only one url?Do you have a solution?
very nice and pretty simple to use
Thanks so much.
This is a great plugin!
Everything works- except… I can not enter in a link. I click on link Icon and nothing happens…
The linked in icon is adding http://www.linkedin.com/in in front of my link.
So what loads is “http://www.linkedin.com/in/http://www.linkedin.com….yaddi, yadda, ya…
Hello, really this is a great plug-in… So only I subgest a think about links. You can add to options possibility of show an alt code for each link. For example, when appears my fb link in my site, this only tells “aboutme3000/facebook”; it would be super great if I add an alt to my fb link and its appears “Look at me on Facebook”. Thanks alot!
When I shared a post from my website on Facebook, my “About Me” info showed up under the link! I only want my SEO info to show here – how can I change that? Thanks!
Any word on additional social profiles, such as Foursquare, Posterous & Quora?
What do I put in the box next to Gravatar, where it has a text box with room for two characters, an “x”, and then another text box with room for two characters?
Also, neither my feedburner nor linkedin links work, and the facebook link didn’t work until I just put in the whole url. Putting in just the ID failed. But when I tried that with the other two, it failed.
Thanks for the plugin.
its okay and really help!
Can you look at the bottom of the sidebar here: http://www.envisasearch.com/about/
Why are the icons vertically aligned instead of horizontally aligned?
How do I correct this?
Can I use this for a larger image rather than just a gravatar image
Also cannot see any icon/anything in the admin area of the plugin to add the image
Or would you suggest I simply use text widget in sidebar to add image and small amount of text
Many thanks
If you don’t select any of the social media icons (ie. if we just want to display gravatar photo and bio text), it still takes up space on the sidebar below the photo/text for where the social media icons would go, which pushes other items on the sidebar down.
Can the plugin be modified to shrink the vertical height used by the widget based on the number of social media icons used?
I really like the social networking icons under the profile and installed it because of this feature. While most relevant sites are there I very much would appreciate XING (www.xing.com) which is similar to linkedin but vastly more popular in europe. Any chance of adding XING – or give the option to add one or two custom sites?
thanks for the widget!
Very handy widget. My only concern is not being very knowing much code wise I have no idea how to get a photo in this widget like you have. some instruction on this would be nice. I will most likely look for other alternatives for this reason
Thanks – great Plugin!
Hi — great plugin! I was wondering if there is a way for the links to open in a new tab?
Great plugin, love it a lot. However, echoing what Reto said, could you add the functionality to add custom links?
Hi there,
First of all: congrats on your plugin! And tow things:
– I have installed About me on both my company site and my private blog. On my company site (currently in beta), but on the company site, the icons are not showing (not even in the Dashboard). Any idea how that could happen?
– I am looking for a plugin that showes “My other sites” with avatars or logos (something blog roll won’t admit). Any chance you could add custom fields to About me?
I have never done anything like a “widget” before and I had it up and going in minutes. You are awesome. Thank you!
I thought About Me would provide a link that users could click on and view. In my template/theme, anyway, it is static, and so the About Me information runs on and on down the sidebar. The template is Licorice by Nudge Design.
Any ideas would be helpful.
I am just getting up and running, so my site is not public yet. Tell me if you have problems viewing it.
Amazing plugin, Thank you for share it.
Thanks for share the plugin… Awesome…
Tell me how can I put this widget direct to the file sidebar.php I want this widget on first position but I can’t because my theme has searchform. So maybe some code like
Thank you for this widget! It worked perfectly for me. 🙂 My gravatar is a bit fuzzy, but I think that’s on Gravatar’s side.
Oh! If I were to suggest one thing, it would be larger social media icons.
Thanks again!
Thank you for this widget! It worked perfectly for me. 🙂
Nice widget, suggestion:
Selection between Tiny and Bigger social icons , like http://sharethis.com/
add stackoverflow profile 🙂
I love the features– but I can’t use it on my site because the icons are too small. Plus– I’d really like to have Foursquare featured as well.
Hey! Love the plugin. It was exactly what I was looking for for my egotistic needs. Now, of course, you need to add EVEN MORE new social network icons.
Is there a way to get the text below the photo? (Not to the left or right.)
Hey–I am having a little trouble adding my facebook and linkedin profile id’s to my “about me” section. Also, how can I add my picture instead of using an avatar? Thanks! Jan Hill
Hey Jan. I’m not the developer but I’m happy to try to answer your question. Sign up for a Gravatar account and add your photo there. Then it will show up. With Facebook, try using your vanity url (If it’s facebook.com/yourname, then just the “yourname” part) and check the “Use Vanity URL” option. I’m having issues getting the linked in option working as well, and haven’t found a workaround yet.
Can you please add GitHub to the the list of supported sites. Thanks.
I would like to link to my FB fan page for TSI Photos but can’t get your link to go anywhere other than my personal page. What’s the solution for that?
Can we make the icons bigger?
I Like this plugin. A Suggestion from me would be to make the plugin W3C compliant – Currently, any Gravatar images is reporting an error as there is no “alt” defined for the image.
Will there be any changes needed to bring this up to 3.2 standards?
As above, it would be food to be able to have bigger images, or define our own images for each social media entry.
I’d also like the ability to link the text to a page or post.
Still a good widget 🙂
Help, how do I display the icons horizontally and not vertically. I’ll ove to have a display as per the bove display
there’s a problem with posterous’s url. The right way is “http://YourID.posterous.com”
See you soon
if($i == 7 && $options[$tag_id.’_on’]) echo ““;
When I finish editing about me and click on the Update Options button, nothing happens. Could this be a problem of compatability with the WP theme I have selected for my Blog or is it some other problem and how can I get this corrected?
I have been redoing some of my wordpress info, including About Me, and lost my gravatar image. Can’t figure out how to put it back.
I have installed the About Me 3000 plugin on my blog at http://www.allabouttieingtheknot.com. I have activated it but when I try to edit it (create a bio) and then click the save update button at bottom nothing happens. Could this be a compatability problem with the theme I am using or something else? Please help! Is there a way to fix this? My theme is Beauty & Clean 1.0.6 by Your Inspiration Web
I am unable to get feed burner to work. It seems you have a default value for feedburner2 which I do not need but even when i try and use that I bet an error because the url is listed twice in the link. Is there a way for me to fix this. Thank you. In all other ways, this is a great plugin.
I have the same issue with posterous. It lists the url twice.
I cannot figure out how to get my photo to display. It just says use gravatar, but how does it know to do that? All I see is the check box for it. I looked on wordpress but couldn’t find anyplace to add a gravatar to there. So how do I get the picture as opposed to the blue default?
Look for a different plugin… great idea but he does not support his own work or reply to any of the questions or issues raised. Do not use this guy.
I just tried to update my text but I can’t.. Nothing happens when I click the button “Update option” – any idea why??
I cannot get this plugin to work. Not only will it not update, I do not see where you upload a gravitar. I am using the default 2011 theme.
For those that are having trouble updating their page, try using firefox. I was having the same problem and realized I was in IE. When I switched to firefox and it worked!
I´m test this tool.
But I have a problem with this tool.
I’m having trouble updating my About Me profile, and also linking to my Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. Can you help?
Great plugin, I hope that it will be very useful on my website. However, the feedburner URL for the widget is feeds2.feedburner and Google has changed the address to read feeds.feedburner. Is there going to be an update for this?
I have installed your plugin but for multisite author websites it doesn’t help a lot.
My suggestion would be to enable it for different authors.
Thank you
Used your plugin for my photo site. However, when using it, I can update everything, but when I go to my site it shows an enormous amount of white before the text finally shows up. Is there anyway to fix this?
Can you tell me please what theme do you use ?
won’t work for me:(
really good plugin. yet with 2 questions:
1 how to define the photo- I dislike gravatar, I want to upload a pic
2 the icons, make bigger may be better
I’ll add these features in next versions. Thank you for your sugestions
I just released new version and you can now upload your own picture
Love the plugin! Not sure if there is a way to add a picture to this. That would be wonderful!
Great Plugin, thanks…
But i cannot update my profile…add flickr link, etc…
When i login as a subscriber about me 3000 setting is visible and an subscriber is able to edit the about me page settings. its not fair
Upps, that seems to be some permission issue. I’ll take care of this in next version.
Does not work for me, i can’t save the changes made to it :/
Why is my gravatar does not show up?
Did you set it up at gravatar.com ?
Great plug in– I love how it looks on my site.
One question, do u have plans to add a pinterest link in the next version?
Thank you… I will try in some of the future versions
My comment is the same as the last one. Love this, can you add pinterest?
Will not show up on my sidebar or on my site at all :/ I tried to set it up at gravatar.com as second resort but it would not allow me to because my email is already apart of the system for some reason. help?
Love your widget but really struggling to get the LinkedIn bit working.
Each time it defaults to http://www.linkedin.com/in/MyID
But I don’t need the “/in/” bit. Is there anyway I can over-ride this please? (New to blogging).
Great plugin! It would be cool to have a github addition 🙂
Hi, nice plugin but it really needs google+ integration too. Any plans to add this soon? Thanks
This is a great plugin! Could you perhaps add academia ( http://academia.edu/ ) to the list of social network sites. I know it is a little nerdy – buth relevant for a lot of researchers, students, and scholars.
Thank you!
ABOUT ME 3000 has stopped working for me. I have WP 3.3.1 I can no longer edit:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method _WP_Editors::editor_settings() in /home/content/86/6884386/html/wpnewexec/wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php on line 728
Hi, I love this widget is so clear and easy to use! I have a question! Is it possible to show About me 3000 box only on the Homepage? What I have to do? Please I’m a beginner and I need clear instructions :)…
Thank you very much!
Hi, Thank you for a great widget! The only thing I’m missing is a google+ icon. Will you add one in the near future?
Love this plugin, thanks! Please add support for goodreads!
Can u add google+ ?
Thx great plugin
cool plugin. Can you support “StayFriends” ?
Love this plugin but when I click on icons, I get error message for all of them. Is there a time lapse before they become effective? The only thing that seems to work is the email.
And, assuming this could be corrected, I agree that google+ would be a good addition.
Would be great if you added foursquare and G+, otherwise it’s great
Great pluggin! I just wanted to ask if GoodReads could be added in the list?
Hello, I’m looking for the g+-buttom but I can’t finde it? Please can you say me if there is a posibility to put it in?
Thank you.
Best regards