Blind Text Generator

Tired of that boring that notorious Lorem Ipsum quote? If you had to use it more than just once or twice, I am sure you’re sick of it! Since simply pasting content from other websites to see how it will look the one you’re working on when full of images and text could get you into some copyright-related trouble, why not get some other similar quotes to use?
Blind Text Generator
For example, look at Blind Text Generator, the best “almost random” text generator I have seen so far! This nice online tool comes with no less than 10 dummy text styles, including the ubiquitous Lorem Ipsum I mentioned earlier, as well as quotes by Cicero, Kafka, or a random text generator that uses letters and numbers to generate the dummy text you need.

Various options allow you to set the number of words/characters to generate, as well as the number of paragraphs, and settings like font family, letter spacing, or text alignment. So far, so good…

… but if you want to know more, I strongly advise you to give Blind Text Generator a try, because there’s not that much to say about it. This one is a well done tool that gets the job done, and that’s all!

Compatibility: since generating dummy text isn’t exactly something requiring Flash or other advanced technologies, I wasn’t able to find a browser that won’t handle Blind Text Generator (or Dummy Text Generator, as my browser’s title bar says), so probably every browser you can think of is supported, except those ancient text-based ones…

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