
Sometimes, I really want to kill the people behind sites with multimedia content. Fortunately, it’s about those sites with loud background music starting automatically, and no obvious Mute button. When it comes to slideshows and animated banners, I usually have nothing against them. Hey, I even enjoy such things, as long as I get to see some useful content around, too!

Blockster can help those working on a website to easily create featured content sliders that offer a wide range of transition effects. This is a free and really small piece of code, having only 2.6kb and requiring Javascript. To be honest, I have no idea about the license type, since there’s no such info available on the official page, but since code is available… I am sure you can email the author for details, in case you want to mess with it in some way! 😉

Blockster is highly customizable, thanks to HTML/CSS code, just as you were probably expecting. The ZIP package includes the code available for the examples on the official page and… that’s all, I guess! Have fun with it and… in case you want to add some sound to your site (I know there’s no real connection with today’s subject), please don’t make it start automatically, all right? Thank you very much!

  1. July 24, 2010
  2. July 26, 2010

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