CMS Archive


Despite the global economic problems, the Internet continues to grow with each day, and this opens doors to people who are willing to spend some time and money to try starting an online store. Some will succeed, some may fail, but if you do ...Read More


One of the most interesting things I’ve read about the near and not-so-near future is the forecast regarding evolution of commerce. What about it? Well, online shopping becomes more and more popular, especially in emerging countries, and the same happens with ecommerce shopping cart ...Read More


For me, WordPress is pretty easy to use, but I must be a fool to admit that using it and harnessing its power is something as easy as it gets for someone facing its first blogging script. Sometimes, people simply need to share things ...Read More


If you encountered difficulties reading your WordPress based website or blog on your mobile device, WPtouch is the solution. WPtouch is a lightweight, fast-loading, feature-rich and highly-customized “theme application” which includes an admin interface to let you customize many aspects of your site’s presentation. ...Read More

Registration Validator

Registration Validator is a plugin that helps you to fight against spammers. With Registration Validator you can block not only usernames or IP addresses but also you can block domains and subdomains. Blocking an entire domain (including subdomains) is very easy. Just put before ...Read More

Kish Multi

If you have multiple blogs, you need a simple tool to maintain all of them very simple and easy. Kish Multi is a perfect tool for you. It helps you to maintain multiple blogs from a single blog. Kish Multi uses Ajax, this way ...Read More


Everybody knows what is Tweeter. Some people use it to stay in contact with their friends and others use it to post their thoughts. Today I recommend a plugin for WordPress which gives you total control and ownership of the photos you post to ...Read More


When we talked about JoobsBox, a comment suggested that I should take a look at jobberBase, but despite the fact I didn’t keep my promise to check it later that week, I never forgot about it. Even more, yesterday, while I was browsing the ...Read More