JavaScript Archive


Sometimes, having a lot of information at your disposal means nothing without a proper way to display that information to the ones who should check it out. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do this, and today we’ll stop at D3, described as ...Read More


When it comes to quality control, I think humans will soon be missed in a lot of fields. With the risk of seeing the entire human race trying to be as accurate and fast as robots and losing almost everything that makes us human ...Read More


Midnight caught me again without a subject, so I thought how would be a similar situation for a programmer – no inspiration, no ideas, or simply no tool to get things in motion? While I can’t help you with the first two (try your ...Read More


J… Java… jQuery plugins… oh, it’s sooo laaate… in fact, I think jQuery plugins come in really handy late at night, even for those working on them or with them. After all, it’s not like messing around with Delphi components or some advanced C++ ...Read More


No matter if you already heard about Clipperz or not, I am sure you’ll love this: a free and open source password manager that you can host on your own server(s)! Obviously, we’re talking about Clipperz Community Edition, since Clipperz is, as they nicely ...Read More


I hate Twitter. I also hate Facebook a little, although I use them both from time to time. It’s simply the fact that everyone started using them and both are now full of spammers and background noise. Maybe the time has come for some ...Read More

jQuery 1.5

Until now, we talked about a lot of jQuery plugins here, but never about jQuery itself. So far, so good – nothing that special, but today the day arrived, since the “write less, do more” JavaScript library almost every developer loves to hate or ...Read More


When I hear ZEN, all I can think of is Creative’s line of portable media players – I really love most devices bearing this name, although I will be forever addicted to my good old Sandisk Sansa e250… but I am sure you’re already ...Read More

NETEYE Activity Indicator

Another week is reaching its end and I don’t think there’s a need for a “weekend loader indicator,” although the idea would be really nice – have a display somewhere showing how much of the weekend loaded, with the 100% mark being reached on ...Read More