JavaScript Archive


In the long run, I really think that HTML5 may be able to kill Flash. If the iPad continues to gain market share, that would also help (it seems most people don’t care too much about those iPad problems, after all…). Anyway, this is ...Read More


I am sure this is not the first time or the last time I confess I am having problems managing my time, but this is a sad truth of my life I have to live with. While others envy people with expensive cars, nice ...Read More


If you’re into using Javascript toolsets, then you surely have to take a look at Qutensil, shortly referred to as “Q.js.” The reason? Well, according to its official page, this toolset “was developed from dissatisfaction with the existing toolsets.” Good, so what’s so special ...Read More


Some say social bookmarking websites are useless, and I agree to that, at least to a certain extent. As long as you don’t rely only on them to drive valuable traffic to your site, that’s fine. While I know quite a few notorious websites ...Read More


One of my morning “rituals” includes jumping around the house, having some fruits, and then checking email/news, as well as spending a few peaceful moments enjoying some images, usually professional pictures of fruits/vegetables/remote places. No need to get into detail more than that, but ...Read More


If I think how many programmers are working on various projects these days, it’s always great to find a standalone program or a Web-based tool claiming to be the first one doing… something, it doesn’t really matter what. After all, most people I know ...Read More

Password Strength

What is a secure password? Sure, “John” is completely trivial, especially if your account name is John Doe, but is “12John93” much better? How long would it take for someone to hack your email account and get access to the confidential data that could ...Read More


Some time ago, creating menus for a site was nothing less but art. I only said “menus,” yes? Good, because when talking about animated menus, we were already stepping into “Voodoo land” already, at least for most people using the Internet back then! Now, ...Read More