JavaScript Archive


Integrating various media files to your website gets more interesting with each day, as the number of noobs surfing the Internet increases. I didn’t say it with a bad intention, it’s just the fact that older people getting to discover the World Wide Web, ...Read More


Zooming in certain sites is often needed, especially by people with various vision problems. While there are plenty of programs/browser plugins built to help you zoom in a certain page, and most browsers also have zooming capabilities right out of the box, implementing area ...Read More


Ever wondered if Vista would be able to run inside a Web browser? Sure you haven’t, this is simply insane, but it seems a lot of insane things are happening on the Web these days… and qWikiOffice is one of those sweet crazy things ...Read More


I am not JavaScript-powered, but I kept flipping around last night. Oh, yeah, the heat… but since I mentioned flipping, let’s take a look at a useful jQuery plugin that will make your webpage content flip like a card, shall we? Jon Raasch is ...Read More


One day, I think the grocery next to the building I live in will release some JavaScript library. I know it sounds insane, but seeing BBC releasing such a thing is also a big surprise, so why not think ahead? OK, OK, I admit ...Read More


While some people can’t start a day without having a glass of milk, I have no problem missing that part, as long as I eat something. This morning, for example, I had an awesome tuna salad made by my own hands, but I won’t ...Read More

AutoGrow Textarea

Goood morning, people! I love things that don’t require “user intervention,” and that includes naturally cool mornings in summer, without the help of any air conditioning device. Well… my wife opened the windows a few hours ago, and that’s all, and if we step ...Read More


Now that Firefox 3.5 is out, I think that Adobe Flash is facing a serious threat. Of course that nothing big will happen in the next few months, but I dare to go as far as saying that HTML 5 will find its way ...Read More