Icons Archive


Still looking for the right icons to get started with in 2011’s projects? I know that Google’s search engine could prove quite useful for that – just enter a certain keyword, switch to images, click on icon or, even better, enter the size manually, ...Read More

Social Media Bubblicons

If the days of the week are for producing content, messing with endless pages of code and designs, the weekend should be for having a lot of fun. When I say “fun,” I think about online fun and offline fun as well, and submitting ...Read More


I know this may not be exactly what most developers dream of getting for free, but having some simple yet clean looking icons at your disposal is always a good idea, and that’s why today I’ll point you to Pictoico… Since everyone seems to ...Read More

Chubby Twitters

When something becomes really popular on the Web, there’s always something good about it, no matter how bad could be the popular thing by itself (think about “two girls one cup” and the videos showing people’s reactions to it, for example). While I can’t ...Read More

Glyph Lab

I love free icons, but who doesn’t? Unlike other freebies, free icons are usually great, at least that’s what I can say. Unfortunately, others are not always like that – think about freely available articles or wallpapers. Oh, well, you can’t always get what ...Read More


One of the freelance tasks I always enjoyed to handle is icon creation. Sometimes, it even pays really good, but it’s not about the money, but the fun. On the other hand, if you need icons for some project, the idea is to keep ...Read More

Favicon Generator

I don’t know about you, but I always find reasons to be amazed by notorious websites that miss something. I am not talking about big things, but there are small ones that really make the difference, and today we’re going to talk about favorites ...Read More