Web based Archive


Thinking about sending out some really simple newsletters but can’t find any free solution to do that? Don’t worry, that’s why we’re here – TinyLetter is exactly what you need – an easy to use, free online service that you can use to create ...Read More

Privacy Policy Generator

I hate privacy policies nobody gives a damn about, especially when I have to write them. Fortunately, today I found a site that’s nothing but brilliant. Its goal? Pretty straightforward, yet something that’s going to save a lot of people some time, money, or ...Read More

Less Framework

I am sure you think that Android tablets, the whole iPad madness, these smartphones that get more powerful with each month are great, right? No matter if we’re looking at it from a regular user’s point of view or we take things seriously and ...Read More


I think today’s the first time I write about something I can’t access, since it seems only a few chosen ones can do that, for now, but I’ll do it anyway, because codesnipp.it looks like a really interesting resource for Web developers, at least ...Read More


Some online services are more interesting than the others, and today’s Zoom.it could be considered anything from “pointless” to “outstanding,” but this has nothing to do with the fact that some people hate Microsoft, while others love it. Being able to zoom into various ...Read More


Still using Twitter? To be honest, I discovered a few interesting people using it so far, and more than enough spammers – or simply people I have nothing in common with. Should I start taking it seriously? Nope, no way, but as long as ...Read More


Remember Load Impact? It doesn’t really matter if you don’t, but if you do, you can forget about it! The reason is today’s topic, another free Web-based speed analyzer for your site. As you probably know, it’s official – Google is taking speed into ...Read More

Google Analytics Application Gallery

I don’t know about you, but I know a few developers who aren’t exactly crazy about reading news, focusing almost exclusively on their work, so when I told them about Google’s Analytics Application Gallery, I just got myself a few instant beers. Now, I’ll ...Read More