GPL License Archive

Pencil 1.2

If you think I always look for my topics by browsing similar sites or just rambling all over the Internet, you’re wrong. For example, let’s look at today’s topic – a friend of mine who’s a brilliant Web designer sent me the link, I ...Read More


J… Java… jQuery plugins… oh, it’s sooo laaate… in fact, I think jQuery plugins come in really handy late at night, even for those working on them or with them. After all, it’s not like messing around with Delphi components or some advanced C++ ...Read More

jQuery 1.5

Until now, we talked about a lot of jQuery plugins here, but never about jQuery itself. So far, so good – nothing that special, but today the day arrived, since the “write less, do more” JavaScript library almost every developer loves to hate or ...Read More


A few days ago, I had to explain some WordPress-related things to someone who had a blog hosted on and switched to a .com domain and a WordPress blog installed right there. For most people, there shouldn’t be any big problem switching from ...Read More


This week will be a cold one, at least according to most weather forecasts I checked so far. Sometimes, I even had to zoom in to be sure I’m not mistaken – 26 Celsius below 0??? Fortunately, it seems I’ll have around 10-12 below ...Read More


Finally, a brand-new CMS! Well, it may be true that ProcessWire already reached version 2.0, but as long as it’s new to me, we’re talking about a brand-new CMS, all right? 😉 According to the official page, ProcessWire was created “to bridge the gap ...Read More


If you are a web developer you need to test your website. For this you will need to install a webserver, PHP, MySQL, etc. You can install them manually, but you will lose a lot of time and is not worth it. It’s not ...Read More


Tired of that old and sluggish phpMyAdmin? Maybe not, but I surely had enough of it, and today MonoQL surely came to me at the right time and in the right place, just like a wave of fresh air in the middle of Mexico ...Read More


There are two things I hate about Summer: heat and mosquitoes. If I would be moving around a lot, having a heat map at my disposal would be great, but when we’re talking about such a thing like the one we have here today… ...Read More