GPL License Archive


Those who claim that intelligence is sexy may be right, after all. Why? I never thought about programming/code to be sexy, and I wasn’t expecting to see a jQuery library with such a smart branding as Sexy.js. Now, they only need a theme song… ...Read More


A friend of mine asked me about some project he should work on. To be more accurate, he wanted to start working on something to sell, but didn’t have a clue on the topic. “Some Twitter tool,” I said, and it seems I was ...Read More


The Aero-look has been around for ages, Vista only made it really popular (don’t tell me that more than 10% of those using Vista/7 now and enjoying the transparent interface and the effects coming with it ever used Stardock products or even heard of ...Read More


Despite the global economic problems, the Internet continues to grow with each day, and this opens doors to people who are willing to spend some time and money to try starting an online store. Some will succeed, some may fail, but if you do ...Read More


HTML5 is the way of the future. Flash must die, at least when it comes to sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, and so on. If this will happen or not, that’s what remains to be seen, but until then, it’s my pleasure to tell ...Read More

Registration Validator

Registration Validator is a plugin that helps you to fight against spammers. With Registration Validator you can block not only usernames or IP addresses but also you can block domains and subdomains. Blocking an entire domain (including subdomains) is very easy. Just put before ...Read More

Coral IE Tab

Mozilla Firefox is one of the best browsers on the market. But there are some websites that say no to Firefox and renders correctly only on Internet Explorer. Untill now, IE Tab was the only solution for people who wanted to use Mozilla Firefox ...Read More