GPL License Archive


Having content from a bunch of websites gathered in the same page is nothing new. After all, there are a plenty of startup pages that are doing the job well, like Netvibes or iGoogle, but what about those people who want to have a ...Read More


If I think how many programmers are working on various projects these days, it’s always great to find a standalone program or a Web-based tool claiming to be the first one doing… something, it doesn’t really matter what. After all, most people I know ...Read More


Early warning: if you’re not using subversion repositories or – even worse – you have no idea about what they are, you should move on to the next article! Good, now that I said that, let’s take a look at the open source, Web-based ...Read More

SEO Analyzer

Most people around me still think that SEO is something that seems to be closely connected to Voodoo practices, but I strongly believe that the path from novice to SEO expert goes through a realm full of logical things and decency. I put it ...Read More


While “Plogger” sounds like a Blogger wannabe, things are completely different. Anyway, since I don’t like to judge things only taking the name and visuals into account, let’s take a closer look at this open source photo gallery known as Plogger, shall we? With ...Read More


While URL shortening services can be really useful to decent people, I am sure spammers really love them. Why? Just think about the difference between “” and something like “” and you’ll get your answer! I know we talked about Shorty only two days ...Read More


Web-based operating systems could be the future… but only if all those into making viruses and hacking remote systems or stealing credit card information would suddenly disappear, so I think we won’t get to see anyone simply using Windows or Linux as a gate ...Read More


As I confessed some time ago, I am a lazy person, although sometimes I even surprise myself by being completely the opposite. Anyway, if I would be actively involved into Web development, I am sure that finding the right plugins and frameworks to work ...Read More