GPL License Archive

Nifty Corners Cube

Coding stuff can easily replace graphics design work in some cases, and rounding corners is one of those cases. I don’t know about you, but I bumped into some browser-related issues with corners nicely rounded in a Photoshop file that was cut into HTML ...Read More


Every time I see a CMS that’s even easier to setup and use than everything I knew until that moment, I wonder where is this headed to. After all, we may soon see a CMS that only requires a click on a link, followed ...Read More

Clean AJAX

Since I confessed my laziness already, today I will take one more step forward and tell you that I hate cleaning up. Don’t get me wrong – I love having everything in order, only that I can’t stand moving things around, wiping the dust, ...Read More


Considering all the stuff we see around, the idea of a completely online OS gets closer and closer to reality, although I wouldn’t ever use such a thing and allow it to handle all my personal data as I do with the current OS ...Read More


No, the title is not wrong. I understand unusual capitalization of certain brands, but when somebody decides to use “tablesorter” as the name of a product, that’s a bit above my ability to understand. Anyway, we’re not going to talk about the name, this ...Read More


I usually hate Web-based editors, and I am not delighted with the ones coming with WordPress, either. Well, sometimes you have to go through Hell and back while performing various online tasks, and that’s why I try to avoid using Web-based editing tools as ...Read More