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These days, a lot of people seem to be selling their souls – not to the devil or another imaginary entity – it’s all about crushing your own principles and nothing more. To be honest, I can’t say I know anyone who managed to ...Read More

Surface iPhone UI Kit

Still having some problems with your iPhone development work? Well, I guess there’s nothing out of this world, since nothing’s that simple when it comes to programming stuff for the iPhone/iPad or the iPod. Fortunately, there are plenty of great tools available for free, ...Read More


Midnight caught me again without a subject, so I thought how would be a similar situation for a programmer – no inspiration, no ideas, or simply no tool to get things in motion? While I can’t help you with the first two (try your ...Read More


A few days ago, I discovered a brilliant game made using HTML5. This game is Z-Type, but we won’t be talking about it today. I brought it up simply to highlight the great things that can be achieved thanks to HTML5 and now we’ll ...Read More

Social Media Bubblicons

If the days of the week are for producing content, messing with endless pages of code and designs, the weekend should be for having a lot of fun. When I say “fun,” I think about online fun and offline fun as well, and submitting ...Read More

Google Font Directory

Less than a month after Google Analytics Application Gallery, Google strikes again! That time, it was about various apps for Google Analytics, now it’s all about fonts, since the name says it all – Google Font Directory. Another Beta product from the Internet search ...Read More

Barcode Label Printer

Some say that products having any kind of barcode on them are marked with the so-called “number of the beast,” but I think they are more than paranoid. After all, no matter what number you take, after applying some math, you’ll surely end up ...Read More


While the domain name won’t really make the difference between success and failure, it’s surely better to have a site accessed via instead of, don’t you think? Sure, that was just an example, since I don’t think anyone bothered to touch the ...Read More

Big Browser

One of the things I really love about Maxthon is the ability to load two sides side by side. You don’t have to be a developer to use this, since content editors and even “normal” Internet users can find themselves pretty often in situations ...Read More


I usually enjoy writing about apps/resources that I can try by myself, but this time, something’s wrong here – I just found a very interesting tool, but it doesn’t seem to work. Since I think something may be wrong with my ISP, I hope ...Read More