MIT License Archive


Yeah… here I am, wasting time looking at some awesome pictures instead of writing about what I should write about. Well, that’s not so bad, after all, since I wasn’t looking at some gallery online, this was a gallery that uses Flogr, today’s topic! ...Read More

Archive and backup for tweets

You are sitting in front of your PC and thinking about the previous days. Surely, you will miss your tweets those you posted about a year ago. You are thinking, “Wish I could get those days back”. You have nothing regret now, because Tweet ...Read More


I know it doesn’t sound right, but I think that Google Maps is now more important than Google’s notorious Internet search service. Obviously, I have my reasons, and the most important of them is the fact that you can’t spam Google Maps… … and ...Read More


No screenshot today, sorry. I know, ending the week talking about a script without a screenshot seems to be a bit sad, but don’t worry – usually, webpage quiz applications don’t need screenshots, since they are highly customizable, and their looks depend on what ...Read More


While this may not be something new at all, it surely ads a new alternative to those programmers looking for a HTML5/Javascript-based library offering all the features of a player… only that you don’t really need Flash, that’s the whole catch! The name of ...Read More


Could you live without sites like YouTube or Vimeo? I think I could, but that would surely be a pretty boring life! Sure, that won’t happen anytime soon, especially since it becomes easier with each day to add media elements to your website. Today, ...Read More


Twitter, Twitter, Twitter! No matter where I turn, it seems I can’t escape it. Oh, well, you know how they say… “If you can’t beat them, join them!” Today, I will do exactly that, so I’ll tell you a few words about another Twitter-related ...Read More