MIT License Archive


Those who claim that intelligence is sexy may be right, after all. Why? I never thought about programming/code to be sexy, and I wasn’t expecting to see a jQuery library with such a smart branding as Sexy.js. Now, they only need a theme song… ...Read More


HTML5 is the way of the future… am I right? Right or not, I know it’s not the first time I say this, and I bet it’s not the last one, either. There are plenty of reasons to say this, and seeing video players ...Read More


The Aero-look has been around for ages, Vista only made it really popular (don’t tell me that more than 10% of those using Vista/7 now and enjoying the transparent interface and the effects coming with it ever used Stardock products or even heard of ...Read More

Nivo Zoom

No matter if you have problems with your eyes or you simply want to see a close up of some image you found on the Internet, you’ll usually end up zooming in and out. Sure, you can copy the image, paste it into your ...Read More


In the long run, I really think that HTML5 may be able to kill Flash. If the iPad continues to gain market share, that would also help (it seems most people don’t care too much about those iPad problems, after all…). Anyway, this is ...Read More


If I had to start a programming career today, I know for sure what’s the path to follow – mobile apps development, all the way! This market is growing and will continue to do so for some time, so why not choose the right ...Read More


I am sure this is not the first time or the last time I confess I am having problems managing my time, but this is a sad truth of my life I have to live with. While others envy people with expensive cars, nice ...Read More


These days, online multimedia content seems to grow at a scary rate. As long as we’re talking about original work, I don’t think “scary” should find its place in the previous sentence, but things are quite different, unfortunately, because this growth comes with a ...Read More


Some say social bookmarking websites are useless, and I agree to that, at least to a certain extent. As long as you don’t rely only on them to drive valuable traffic to your site, that’s fine. While I know quite a few notorious websites ...Read More