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CSS can be mastered pretty easy, at least in theory. Unfortunately for a lot of people, it’s practice that really makes it complicated. Fortunately, there are a lot of online services and standalone applications around that can help you live without even knowing what ...Read More

Easy photo sharing with Yogile

There are many photo sharing website and is very difficult to decide which one to use. At first glance there are all the same. But when you need something special you begin to search almost the impossible. Yogile is a new photo sharing service which helpsyou ...Read More

I think today’s the first time I write about something I can’t access, since it seems only a few chosen ones can do that, for now, but I’ll do it anyway, because looks like a really interesting resource for Web developers, at least ...Read More


Still using Twitter? To be honest, I discovered a few interesting people using it so far, and more than enough spammers – or simply people I have nothing in common with. Should I start taking it seriously? Nope, no way, but as long as ...Read More


Sometimes, I really want to kill the people behind sites with multimedia content. Fortunately, it’s about those sites with loud background music starting automatically, and no obvious Mute button. When it comes to slideshows and animated banners, I usually have nothing against them. Hey, ...Read More


Remember Load Impact? It doesn’t really matter if you don’t, but if you do, you can forget about it! The reason is today’s topic, another free Web-based speed analyzer for your site. As you probably know, it’s official – Google is taking speed into ...Read More

Chubby Twitters

When something becomes really popular on the Web, there’s always something good about it, no matter how bad could be the popular thing by itself (think about “two girls one cup” and the videos showing people’s reactions to it, for example). While I can’t ...Read More


It seems too much time has passed since we talked about online pattern, texture, or even button generators, and today I will try to add one more item to this large category of online design elements generators. Sure, some may say there’s nothing special ...Read More

Load Impact

As far as I can remember, we never talked about Load Impact and, to be honest, I can’t recall ever seeing this excellent resource… until now. Since I happened to bump into such a useful tool, I thought you also have to know a ...Read More