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Services Editor

Windows Operating System is the most used operating system today. Unfortunately people forget you can get alot more speed from the system by editing what Services are running. Let`s say you don`t have a printer. This way you don`t need the print service running. ...Read More


Creating a site isn’t that hard, but making it work properly on a few dozen different browsers, and most of them, with different behaviors depending on the operating system… now, that’s art! Since installing a few operating systems and running all those browsers to ...Read More


One of my morning “rituals” includes jumping around the house, having some fruits, and then checking email/news, as well as spending a few peaceful moments enjoying some images, usually professional pictures of fruits/vegetables/remote places. No need to get into detail more than that, but ...Read More


When talking about font collections, I have plenty of them. The only problem is that I have to check my CDs and DVDs catalogue to find the locations of those archived font collections. To make things even more interesting, I have at least a ...Read More


While deploying a site may not give you really big headaches, keeping it up can surely do that, no matter how reliable may be the server(s) used to host that site. Being able to send custom HTTP requests and view the responses in a ...Read More

Password Strength

What is a secure password? Sure, “John” is completely trivial, especially if your account name is John Doe, but is “12John93” much better? How long would it take for someone to hack your email account and get access to the confidential data that could ...Read More


Ladies and gentlemen, now’s the right time for another image gallery script! What makes me say this? Well, yesterday I messed with some pictures of mine (trying to put some shots together into a HDR image, stuff like that), and that made me think ...Read More

Spiffy Corners

Some time ago, I was talking about very simple tools that come with a single purpose, and those online behemots some love while others hate, like the SEOmoz tools package, for example. Now, the time has come for another really straightforward tool, namely Spiffy ...Read More

CSS Creator

No matter if you’re using inline style tags or external CSS files, Cascading Style Sheets is supposed to be very easy to handle, even by those without any specific programming experience. Ain’t that just cute? Probably, but it also happens to be wrong pretty ...Read More