
No matter if you already heard about Clipperz or not, I am sure you’ll love this: a free and open source password manager that you can host on your own server(s)! Obviously, we’re talking about Clipperz Community Edition, since Clipperz is, as they nicely put it, “a web rolodex for your passwords” and nothing more, as you can see in the image below…

Basically, both Clipperz and Clipperz Community Edition have the same features, including local encryption before sending data online so that nobody can read your data, one-click login to any of the websites defined, the ability to save more than just website credentials – you can also add bank accounts, credit card information, addresses, or simply create custom data cards, not to mention the most awesome part of it all – you can just dump your Clipperz encrypted data and create a portable version or simply use that data offline!

Clipperz Community Edition requires PHP5 & MySQL and is available under the terms of the AGPL v3 open source license. Well… I guess this is all of it, so have a nice weekend and stay safe, all right? Let’s hope we’ll meet again all alive & well next week. Ta-taa! 😉

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