Coral IE Tab

Mozilla Firefox is one of the best browsers on the market. But there are some websites that say no to Firefox and renders correctly only on Internet Explorer. Untill now, IE Tab was the only solution for people who wanted to use Mozilla Firefox on all websites, including the “banned” ones.

Coral IETab is a Mozilla Firefox extension which enables you to use the embedded IE engine within tabs of Mozilla Firefox. Coral IETab is a improved version on IE Tab. At first glance you might think that Coral IETab and IE Tab are identical, but the core DLL is completely rewritten, to support more advanced features and provide better performance.


Coral IETab is perfect especially for web developers because enables them to use the embedded IE engine within tabs of Mozilla Firefox. Coral IETab is usefull for normal users too because they can easily switch to IE in TAB VIEW when you meet incorrectly rendered web pages in Firefox.

One of the main improvements of Coral IETab over IE Tab is the support to the Adblock Plus addon, this way all ads on TE tab will be filtered. Also with Coral IETab the cookies will be synchronized between IE and Firefox. So you don’t need to relogin when you switch between Firefox and IE.

Download Coral IETab from here.

Compatibility: Firefox 3.0 – 3.7a1pre

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