CSS Creator

No matter if you’re using inline style tags or external CSS files, Cascading Style Sheets is supposed to be very easy to handle, even by those without any specific programming experience. Ain’t that just cute? Probably, but it also happens to be wrong pretty often, and that’s why I decided to tell you about a CSS code generator today.
CSS Creator
The name of this online tool is pretty straightforward – CSS Creator. Its obvious purpose is to help you reduce the amount of wasted time by creating your CSS files based on your input. CSS Creator has a pretty easy to use interface, and comes with support for strict, transitional, and frameset HTML/XHTML docs.

One of the interesting features of CSS Creator is the color picker, a handy tool that will surely help you save some more time. The things you need to set are page alignment, minimum and maximum width, the properties of the header, footer, and columns, followed by a click of the Generate Layout button. Just as easy as that!

Finally, you will get a HTML and CSS file to download, and that’s all! Of course that some may need additional manual tuning of the page style, but using CSS Creator is surely easier than doing it all by yourself, don’t you think?

Compatibility: any DOM capable browser having JavaScript enabled should be able to handle CSS Creator, so… be careful about those script blockers, will you?

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