If you think that building a website is hard, then you should think about maintaining it! Obviously, you can easily use some CMS, work on the template, and the site is ready… but you don’t want to think about broken links that appear once you change permalink settings, or when the sites you linked to some months ago disappear! OK, such things happen, but how to spot broken links before your users start complaining about them?
The answer to the question above is a website that can take care of finding your dead links, but solving the problems will be your job. This site is called, and while its design is about a decade behind the rest of the world, it gets the job done, and that’s what really matters, after all.

How to use it? Nothing easier – just point your browser to it, enter the URL of the site you want to check, and then wait for the dead links to come out, while praying for this not to happen… 😉

In the end, you will get a pretty long listing with the links from the target site, and if you’re in a hurry, just scroll down to see the invalid links and the error message returned by each of them. Once you do this, the time comes for you to fix the errors… so now I’ll just pull back and let you do that!

Compatibility: works great with any browser you throw at it, and being given its “ancient looks,” I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it works even with those text-based browsers some Linux users mess with from time to time

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