
One of the freelance tasks I always enjoyed to handle is icon creation. Sometimes, it even pays really good, but it’s not about the money, but the fun. On the other hand, if you need icons for some project, the idea is to keep costs as low as possible, and so I ended up on, an excellent resource for designers looking to get some free icons or entire icon sets…

Using this resource is as easy as 1-2-3 – just open the main page in your favorite browser, type in a keyword, and then click Search and check your results! As I write this, FindIcons has over 300,000 icons and 2,100 icon sets, both number continuously growing, of course. That’s not bad at all, especially if we think about the formats and sizes available (up to 256X256 pixels, usually using the ICO or PNG formats).

To make things even more attractive, FindIcons offers a bunch of filters, allowing you to sort your results by size, color, style or license type, but the cookie on top of the cake is the online converter that allows you to download the icons you need in virtually any popular format, including BMP, GIF, JPG, PSD and so on. Sweet! 😉

These being said, I hope there are only a few minutes remaining until FindIcons will find its way into your bookmarks collection…

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