Bookmarks… oh, my, bookmarks! No matter how much I try, I simply can’t have them sorted properly. Sure, I use categories and tags, but I always end up with some bookmarks completely messed up, while others are nicely ordered. Oh, well… while the Flash component I’ll tell you about next won’t help me solve that issue, it will surely make your site much easier to bookmark by its visitors!
FlashBookmarks is a fully customizable Flash CS3 component (and absolutely free, too!) that allows you to include social bookmarking within your site without breaking a sweat. Social bookmarking sites available with it include Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook, and Reddit, but these are not all of them, obviously.
Speaking about the looks, FlashBookmarks is customizable from one end to another, allowing you to choose the icons to display, font properties, or the size of the icons. Well… that’s it. If you’re still looking for some social bookmarking goodies for your site, then FlashBookmarks may be exactly what you need!
Compatibility: FlashBookmarks requires Flash CS3 from the designer working with it, and a modern browser with FlashPlayer 9 installed & in working state (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, IE, and so on)