Free fonts

When you are designing a new website, the font are almost the most important part of the site. An inspired font can make your website to look fantastic. But an ugly can ruin it. I will show you now a few free fonts to choose from.

1. Gentium. Gentium is a typeface family which supports a wide range of Latin- and Cyrillic-based alphabets. Gentium is perfect for those who use  the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts. The Gentium font families may be used by anyone because are released under the SIL Open Font License. Gentium is available in 8 weights: Basic, Book Basic, Basic Bold, Book Basic Bold, Basic Italic, Book Basic Italic, Basic Bold Italic and Book Basic Bold Italic.

2. Anivers is another free font with support even for Latin- and Cyrillic-based alphabets. Anivers is great if you use it for a poster headline, for a logo or even for a stationery. Aniver can be used in 4 weights: regular, italic, bold and small caps.

3.Yanone Kaffeesatz is a family of free fonts that comes in 4 styles: Thin, Light, Regular and Bold. The fonts are licensed under the SIL Open Font License

4. The Lobster Font‘s main advantage is its numerous ligatures and alternate. To be more accurate, i can say that the Lobster Font comes with 79 ligatures.

One Response
  1. November 16, 2010

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